The ad in question depicts two mechanics who share a Lady and the Tramp-esque liplock in the name of good, old fashioned candy. The commercial shifts gears in the last seconds, when the men double back and proceed to rip out their chest hair in the name of masculinity. Did this tip of my gay flag ? A bit. I saw it for what it was, yet another testiment of homosexuality being the absolute worst thing that can "happen" to a man. The horror of a feminized masculinity woven into the fabric of our beloved country.
Then alternate endings for the commercial surfaced, in which the 'offended' party slams the kisser's head with the hood of the car repeatedly. My gay flag flew up at full mast -- full of effeminate sparkles and rainbow disco balls, I was officially and deeply offended.

Forgive me, but...The laugh catches in my throat. It twists itself into this knot of self-loathing that seems to reside in every gay person... or any minority for that matter. Regardless of whether they live in a farming community or gay mecca, the reality is the same, second class citizens.
To their Snicker-y credit, the delightful candy makers removed the offensive ad, but I'd be lying if I said the chocolatey goodness that I once wholeheartedly enjoyed didn't taste a bit off, the snickery goodness is somehow tainted. Hate does not mix so well with chocolate, (or so it seems -- though I've heard it goes down swimmingly with a well presented cheese plate).
Now the outrage seems to have died down. GLADD is still pissed. My boyfriend is pissed. But the everyone else seems to have moved on. What stays with me is that this wasn't just a lesser known candy bar, trying to shock me into trying it's tasty morsels. It is a billion dollar company, and the ad was broadcast on the night-of-nights, where commercials are reaching their supposed peak.
And it dawns on me, like a thousand gay slurs -- This piece of shit commercial went through HOW MANY FOCUS GROUPS? How many people selected at random saw this commercial and laughed their asses off? It was shown on Super Bowl Sunday ! Out of all the little hopeful ads, SNICKERS tested this and the demographic ate it up -- literally. So the consensus, from corporate heads to focus groups was that SNICKERS had a real winner on their hands?!?! Overly sensitive? Nah. I can take it and dish it with the best of them. Disheartened....? Disgruntled...? Disgusted...? Fuck yes.
Apparently everyone is ridiculously stupid. Did I laugh at first ? Sure, look I'm gay, I get it -- it is one of the most popular punchlines, I walk around worried that I'm the only one who is not in on the joke, because I AM the joke. Then there's a side of me that says that gay rights have come such an incredibly long way -- and to give the world a little credit. Then I sit down to watch the Super Bowl (breaking down gay stereotypes already -- I'm a pioneer that way) and I'm reminded that I'm not paranoid.
Are they out to get me? Not everyone.
But the President of the United States AND Snickers ?!? I challenge anyone to rival that kind of bull shit. Fuck Snickers, Next time I'm hungry... I will wait. (aw, snap)
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yeah those commercials were ridiculous and pointless, nice vent :)
ok so at first I wasn't sure what the commercial was that made you so upset, so I went to youtube and watched three different versions including the one with the rench. I personally thought it was very funny, I didn't feel offended by it, the fact that two guys who think that being manly means being strong and hitting each other, that's pretty funny and dumb, and the stereotype is actually that straight men are just dumb like that lol. I can see your point but I do stand strong on my view, and I see this advertisement as another dumb yet funny commercial of straight people trying to be manly.
Commercials are meant to exagerate, like the one about the Axe spray when thousands and thousands of females come running to this guy who is using it; so should women feel offended for making them look like they are just dumb enough to like someone for their smell? no, it's just exaggeration and it's funny too. On TV when you're watching a show with gay people you see most of the guys are feminine and these are real gay guys not actors, so that's why it is so stereotypical for a man to be strong and manly, which most of the time goes along with bumb and the combination of both is FUNNY (to me at least.) Ads are not meant to hurt or insult anyone, they are meant to exaggerate to the point that someone will find it funny and catch the attention of the consumer, and that's what this one showed and succeded, with me at least.
sorry this comment is too long but I do feel strong about this and wanted to show some points.
PS I am gay as well for those who don't know me :)
sorry, for the duplicate comment but the last one is the edited version :)
Advertising (as far as I see it) is directly informed by the ebb and flow of popular opinion. What is disturbing about a commercial like this is that it exists in a time where homosexuals are considered second class citizens under the law. (i don't think anyone can dispute that)
This wasn't about straight men being manly. This was a depiction of straight men trying at any cost to not be gay. Hate crime included. I'm sorry, but slamming someone's head between the hood of a car isn't a gentle statement.
And I think you do a great disservice to yourself as a gay person, as well as a thoughtful human being to view ads as nothing more than stupid entertainment. Don't get me started on the bastardization of women in commercials, we will be here all day.
But to say that media has no influence (negative or positive) aside from consumerism is a bit naive.
And Snickers removed the commercial -- even they saw it as having negative undertones (or blatant disreguard for an entire walk of life).
*stands off soap box*
BY THE WAY-- I Deleted a double post. ;) Not playing big brother I swear.
Unfortunately, Snickers removed the commercial not because it offended the gay community but because there was an outpouring of anti-gay sentiments from all over the country. One woman's complaint into the FCC actually stated that she was so offended that CBS and Snickers were trying to turn her sons gay that she felt she needed to have them all tested for HIV after watching the commercial. I wish I was kidding.
I hadn't even heard that side of things -- will have to check it out -- christ...
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